Oak Roots Creative


A pregnant woman in a white dress smiles and stands in a lush green field with flowers.

Meet my lovely new neighbors, Amye and Aaron, who are about to be plus one baby boy!  (Update and great news: although he arrived nearly a week late, little Oliver is here and our neighborhood is busy setting up meal trains for this new family of three.) This evening session was hot, hot, hot, but […]

Cole-Crump Summer Maternity Session at Ijams Nature Center

Knoxville artist Shannon Johnson stands at Talahi Park.

If you’re not familiar with Shannon Johnson’s artwork, you need to go visit her Instagram account right now! Shannon is a seriously talented mixed media artist right here in Knoxville. You can find her artwork done in acrylic, watercolor, pen and ink, needle and thread, and even brewed tea and tea bags among other mediums! […]

Branding Photography in Sequoyah Hills with Shannon Johnson

A family of three stands on the sandy shoreline of the Tennessee River.

Meet the beautiful Bock family: Michael, Brooke, and Beatrix. As you can clearly tell, this family is about to be +1 very soon! I met this lovely trio at Island Home Park along the Tennessee River. 

Bock Family at Island Home Park

Branding headshot of a woman in downtown Knoxville, TN.

Getting ready for new head shots or a branding session doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it’s pretty simple. Just follow these steps, and you’ll already have a great start!   What message do you want to convey? If you’re familiar with the concept of branding, you may know that it’s important to define […]

How to Prepare for Head Shots and Branding Sessions

Siblings goofing off at Admiral Farragut Park.

Maybe you’re wondering exactly how a photo session with me works. It’s a pretty simple process that I’ll break down for you here in just 10 steps. I always try to make it as painless as possible for my clients because my goal is for this to be a stress-free process for you! Let’s dive […]

My Photo Process Explained

A couple stands at Meads Quarry lake in autumn.

When Danielle stepped out of the car for our photo session at Meads Quarry, she had a gift bag dangling from her arm, and a big smile on her face. We had texted beforehand, so I knew that the gift wasn’t for me. It was for her husband, Brandon. And to be honest, I was a […]

Nave Family at Meads Quarry

A printed photograph of a little boy and his mother sits atop a shelf.

Don’t forget to print your photographs. It’s something that has gone out of fashion in recent years. Digital images are convenient and easy to send literally anywhere in the world via the internet. But… People no longer flip through albums and relive their sweet memories.  No more sifting through photo boxes, lingering on smiles and letting […]

Why Printed Photography Matters

A man rides his bike back to Ijams for the end of Pedal Jam Knoxville Fundraiser.

I was really happy to be the photography sponsor for the Pedal Jam Knoxville fundraiser recently. If you haven’t heard of this event, it’s a fundraiser for both South Knoxville Elementary and the Knoxville Appalachian Mountain Biking Club. These are two worthy causes in my humble opinion!   The event started with a gathering at […]

Pedal Jam Fundraiser in South Knox

A mother whispering to her son at Baker Creek Preserve.

Looking for the perfect spot for your family photos? Look no further! I’ve collected my top five favorite spots. Sure, there are plenty of other places, but these are my top picks. Baker Creek Preserve Yes, I love this place! Not only are there some great mountain biking trails and natural play areas, but it’s […]

Five Best Locations for Family Photos in Knoxville

Family portrait at Baker Creek Preserve in Knoxville.

OK, it’s time to announce the winner of the free mini-session that I’m giving away! Thank you to everyone who nominated your friends and family for the free mini-session! I appreciate your help, and I loved reading all of your beautiful suggestions. You all had such wonderful and kind things to say, and it was […]

Free Mini-Session Winner Announced!